Shop Profiles



Raising the Bar

July 29, 2024
How American Pride Automotive turned around an acquired shop’s subpar reputation

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Shop Profiles

Branching Out: The Launch of Earthling Automotive’s EV Training Program 

Feb. 2, 2024
San Francisco’s Earthling Automotive is working to fill the looming need for EV-trained technicians.
Spencer and Holly Carruthers
Kenneth Wood purchased the building that would house his shop for the price of $1.
Shop Profiles

The $1 Shop: The Story of Kenwood Tire Company

June 2, 2023
Kenneth Wood purchased the historic building in 1962, which once served as a one-room schoolhouse and a public library.
Adobe Stock Images
An automotive technician works on a car engine.
Repairer Profiles

Small Town Success

May 24, 2023
After a move and two decades, Lou Stornello returned to his calling: running a shop.
C75 U9844
Shop Life

Million-Dollar Advice

May 3, 2023
Three top-performing service advisors share their secrets to sales success.
Contributed Photo: Shawn Gillfillan
Shawn Gilfillan, owner of the two-location Magic Lube & Rubber in New Jersey found the secret to getting the right candidates: change the hero of the story to the applicant.
Shop Profiles

Write Job Ads That Excite Techs

April 14, 2023
How Shawn Gilfillan of Magic Lube & Rubber changed the focus of his shop ads to attract better techs.
Dillard 1
Shop Profiles

Certified Excellence

April 3, 2023
Nathaniel Dillard becomes the youngest ASE World-Class Technician.
Generation Zoom 1
Shop Profiles

Generation Zoom

March 31, 2023
How four friends went from wrenching at home to opening a high-performance auto repair shop focused on maintance, modification, speed and EVs.
Sump 1
Shop Profiles

Brian Sump: From Average to Amazing

July 21, 2022
Brian Sump went from the inaugural cover of Ratchet+Wrench in 2012 to becoming a sought-after industry influencer. He shares what it takes to go from a good shop to a great shop...