The 2021 Ratchet+Wrench Readership Study
Repairers believe Ratchet+Wrench to be the most informative industry publication. Learn more with the 2021 Ratchet+Wrench Readership Study.
Our Mission
Ratchet+Wrench is the resource for auto care and service center owners, operators,
and managers to lead cutting-edge operations. It equips readers with the most
progressive shop management strategies, tactics, and tools for future success
through stories from real industry professionals and experts on issues that matter
most to the automotive aftermarket.
Real World Stories That Inspire Auto Care Success
In every issue, Ratchet+Wrench includes original profiles of automotive service and repair businesses, as well as a feature article on a business topic and a Q&A with an industry leader.
Real Strategies For Auto Care Success
Every issue includes business-building ideas for making money, saving money and working smarter in the Toolbox department. Topics of these substantial original articles include: Customer Service, Education+Training, Finance+Operations, Human Resources, Law, Leadership, Sales+Marketing and Tech+Tools. is the online edition of Ratchet+Wrench magazine, the industry’s leading resource for strategies and inspiration for auto care success. Along with offering our inspiring monthly features, you’ll find business strategies on specific channels, such as Customer Service, Education+Training, Finance+Operations, Human Resources, Law, Leadership, Sales+Marketing and Tech+Tools. You will also find the industry’s most comprehensive product, service and parts databases.
Editorial Advisory Board
As part of our mission to report and write about the most cutting edge and relevant topics in the auto care industry, we have recruited some of the best minds in the industry to advise us on our editorial content. Our editorial advisory board will use its industry expertise to help us cover what’s important to shop owners and operators today.
The board helps shape the broad editorial content of the magazine and provides the editors with direction from those who deal everyday with the topics we cover. We believe that our editorial advisory board, which is made up of a diverse combination of past and present shop operators, will help us develop a better editorial product, which will improve the industry as a whole.