Callahan: Adding Value to Your Customer Experience

Jan. 6, 2025
The small details make for a better and more comprehensive customer experience.

Starting back up in January is hard, and before we know it, we’re in February, which means that Hallmark tells us that it's Valentine's Month. And while most people think about Valentine's Day and their significant other, I want you to think about it in relation to your significant family—your clients.

What are you doing to make sure your clients feel special? I am talking about every month of the year, NOT only one month a year. Here's a nice opportunity to think about what you are doing and what more you could do.

Here are some things to ask yourself:

  • Do you have a clean and comfortable waiting area?
  • Do you offer Wi-Fi, coffee, water, soda, or snacks?
  • Do you have First Time Clients complete a "New Client Info Sheet" so you can learn more about them, their car, and their concerns? (If not, reach out to me, and I can send you mine as a sample)
  • Do you offer loaner cars or a shuttle service?

If you said no to any of these questions, perhaps take a moment to evaluate the possibilities of implementing some of this in your shop because many of us out here take that even further. Building relationships beyond vehicle maintenance and repair is a critical part of keeping your clients YOUR clients and not losing them to the cheap oil change offer down the road.

Some things I do to remind my clients how special they are:

  • Sending a monthly newsletter with engaging things, including a puzzle, a recipe, fun dates for the month, some silly jokes, and a personalized message from me or a staff member about happenings around town, events we participate in, hobbies, kids, and more. I also include thank yous to those who referred new clients our way, and we share some of our glowing reviews. People want to know they are doing business with people, not a faceless company. Of course, I have some help with this through my coaching and marketing company, so it doesn't feel overwhelming every month.


  • We give small gifts to clients with each service. I set an average budget of $2 per car and set out to find unique items to gift monthly. In 2024, we gave notepads with our logo, Valentine Candy Hearts, cookies, umbrellas, sunglasses, tote bags, calendars, and the "famous" spice rub clients rave about! We also teamed up with a local coffee shop to purchase insulated tumblers with both our logos, which give you a discount at her shop every time you visit.


  • Along with emails, we send hand-addressed cards a few days after our clients have been in, thanking them for choosing us. I include my business card in case they have any challenges or praise to share. Our envelopes are bright pink, so they don't get lost in the junk mail.


  • We give out "Xpertech Bucks" to clients who refer someone to our shop as a little token of appreciation. We also send them out on our clients' birthdays if they share them on our info sheet – so they know their special day is important to us! (This is an excellent opportunity for your staff to jot down notes during client conversations and add them to their file in your shop management software. This could include anniversary dates, beloved pets, or special dates for their kids/grandkids. Anything that shows them they are more than a transaction to you.)


  • We have a whiteboard that welcomes our scheduled clients each day – so they feel welcomed and special when they walk in.


I know this can feel overwhelming, but I promise it isn't. Start with one or two things – you'll see the difference immediately and want to do more! And make sure to tell me about your successes (or challenges) when you see me at the Women in Auto Care Leadership Conference or Ratchet + Wrench Management Conference 2025!

About the Author

Kathleen Callahan | Owner

Kathleen Callahan has owned Florida’s Xpertech Auto Repair for 20 years. In 2020, she joined Repair Shop of Tomorrow as a coach to pursue her passion for developing people and creating thriving shop cultures. Callahan is the 2018 Women in Auto Care Shop Owner of the Year, nationally recognized by AAA for three consecutive years, testified for Right to Repair on Capitol Hill, and is Vice Chair of Women in Auto Care.

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