Federated Member Russell Mastroff Honored with Art Fisher Memorial Award

April 29, 2016

April 29, 2016—Federated Auto Parts announced Thursday that Russell Mastroff, president and chief executive officer of Cold Air Distributors Warehouse of Florida Inc., was honored with the Art Fisher Memorial Award at a recent meeting in Phoenix.

An individual that exemplifies Art Fisher’s dedication to the membership, the group and the industry has been recognized with Federated’s highest member honor each year since 2005. 

“Art would be very proud of Russell and the job he is doing to grow his business and help lead Federated. He has brought many new ideas and approaches to the group to benefit our entire membership,” said Bo Fisher, chairman of Federated Auto Parts. “It is a pleasure working with such a generous, supportive and proactive member like Russell and a privilege to present him with this well-deserved award.”

Mastroff’s father and founder of Cold Air Distributors in 1962, Marvin Mastroff, was also recognized with the Art Fisher Memorial Award posthumously in 2008. 

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