3A Automotive Reaches out to PTSD-Afflicted Veterans

Oct. 24, 2016

Oct. 24, 2016—3A Automotive and Diesel of Phoenix has announced a GoFundMe campaign for Soldier’s Best Friend, an initiative to help war heroes better assimilate to civilian life upon return to America.  

The campaign was conceived by 3A Automotive owner Jimmy Alauria, who sought to bring awareness, in particular, to the amount of soldiers who are committing suicide in recent years. It also aids veterans dealing with PTSD or traumatic brain injuries. The campaign runs through Nov. 11.

During its campaign, 3A Automotive, which was featured in this past article by Ratchet+Wrench, will donate $22 to Soldier’s Best Friend for every oil change, inspired by the 22 veterans, on average, who commit suicide per day in Arizona. Those interested in making a donation can do so by clicking here.

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