Chrysler Recalls 1.3M Vehicles Due to Airbag, Alternator Defects

July 14, 2017
Fiat Chrysler is recalling about 1.3 million vehicles, including almost 771,000 because a wiring problem could cause the driver’s airbag to deploy without the vehicle being in an accident.

July 14, 2017—Fiat Chrysler is recalling about 1.3 million vehicles, including almost 771,000 because a wiring problem could cause the driver’s airbag to deploy without the vehicle being in an accident, according to reports from the automaker posted Friday on the website of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, according to Forbes.

The remaining 565,000 vehicles have problem with the alternator that could cause the vehicle to stall.

The automaker said airbag deployment could be caused if wiring chafes and causes a short circuit. It said it was aware of five “minor injuries” that might be related to the problem.

The action covers some 2011-2015 Dodge Journey models as well as about 233,000 2011-15 Fiat Freemonts, a version of the Journey sold outside North America.

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