ALLDATA, Google Address Automotive Repair Shops with Free Online Marketing Webinar

July 18, 2017
In the webinar, Google product specialist Matt Krystofik will discuss consumer and technology trends shops need to know about; identify three ways to grow your business with Google tools like Google My Business; and share resources to help you keep up with changing digital behavior.

July 18, 2017—ALLDATA has teamed up with Google’s automotive marketing team to offer a one-hour webinar on "Best Online Marketing Practices" for automotive care and collision repair shops on July 27.

In the webinar, Google product specialist Matt Krystofik will discuss consumer and technology trends shops need to know about; identify three ways to grow your business with Google tools like Google My Business; and share resources to help you keep up with changing digital behavior.

The webinar is free, and ALLDATA has already sent this invite to our customer database of more than 100,000 shops.

There will be ample time allotted in the webinar for a Q&A with Krystofik.

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