Standard Motor Products Launches New Standard Diesel Program

Aug. 13, 2015

Aug. 13, 2015—Standard Motor Products Inc. (SMP) announced on Wednesday the launch of its new Standard Diesel program. The new Standard Diesel line features a revamped manufacturing process, rigorous testing procedures, expanded coverage, new packaging and competitive pricing.

The launch will go along with a new diesel-specific catalog, diesel technical training, enhanced sales support and a new diesel section, which can be found online

“We are very excited about our new Diesel launch,” said Phil Hutchens, vice president engine management marketing, SMP. “It reaffirms our commitment to the Diesel and Turbocharger categories while delivering the category leadership our customers have come to expect from Standard. With our new Diesel offering, we believe our customers have everything they need to capture a share of this important and rapidly growing segment.”

The Standard Diesel program includes top movers in Diesel Fuel Injector, Fuel Injection Pump, High Pressure Oil Pump, Turbocharger, and Fuel Pressure Regulator categories.

SMP is planning another release for its Diesel and Turbocharger lines the fourth quarter of 2015.

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