Number of Used Tesla Cybertrucks is on the Rise

Dec. 27, 2024
More consumers may have the option to purchase a used Cybertruck the longer they spend sitting in lots.

Signs of waning interest in the Tesla Cybertruck is potentially leading to more of the vehicles landing in used car lots, according to Inside EVs.

The second quarter of 2024 saw the Cybertruck become the best-selling electric pickup in America, after being the third-best-selling EV in the country in Q3—however, the vehicle has been showing less impressive numbers lately.

After Cybertruck assembly line workers were told to stay home for three days earlier this month, Reuters has now reported that Cybertrucks are now taking up to 75 days to sell, compared to what was 27 days this past May.

According to data from CarGurus, the price of a Cybertruck has seen a 3.19% drop over the last 30 days, sitting now at $106,845. It’s also a 10% price drop from the last 90 days.

Though sales of the Cybertruck were nearly equivalent to the combined sales of all other electric trucks this past July, analysts have argued that this is due to Tesla filling out a backlog of older orders.

The longer these Cybertrucks sit in lots, the easier it will likely be for a consumer to find a used one for a much lower price, as explained by Inside EVs. As of now, the cheapest used Cybertruck listed on CarGurus is selling for $82,995. It has 17,400 miles, a dual-motor, and has already been through two previous owners.

“The number of days they're sitting is getting longer and the price is coming down, and I can tell you the sales volume has come down,” said Kevin Roberts, director of economic and market intelligence at CarGurus.

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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