Abandoned Tesla Cybertruck Becomes Landmark in Seattle

Sept. 11, 2024
Though the damaged vehicle has since been towed, for days it sat on a busy road, earning its own Google Maps pin.

An abandoned Cybertruck in Seattle has caught the attention of many in the area, according to Jalopnik.

The truck, left sitting in a busy area of the city, appeared to have damage to its left rear and suspension. It was left sitting there for days before it was finally towed away Monday night, but in that time photos of the vehicle were shared online.

Interest in the deserted vehicle grew so much that a Google Maps pin was even created for the site of the truck at one point. Google has since removed the entry.

Though the conversation isn’t verified, one user on Reddit claimed to have encountered the vehicle’s owner, who said someone had hit his Cybertruck, and he has since been figuring out what to do with his insurance company.

“I went by there this evening on my way to dinner. The owner was outside and was not happy we were there,” they wrote. “He said people having been harassing him and his wife the past few days and he didn’t understand why." We told him his truck was all over Reddit and he got even madder.

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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