13 States and D.C. Remain Committed to California Emission Standards

June 11, 2024
The most recent standards released by California will require 35% of all new vehicles to be electric by 2026, with that share increasing to 100% by 2035.

Following Virginia’s decision to not abide by California’s emissions standards, Green Car Reports has outlined what states will continue with them as opposed to federal standards.

Every state has the choice to follow either federal standards on emissions, or those set by California. The most recent standards released by California, Advanced Clean Cars II (ACC II), will require at least 35% of all new vehicles to be electric by 2026, with that share increasing to 100% by 2035.

Currently, these states remain committed to California’s standards: Washington, Oregon, Colorado, New Mexico, Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Delaware, and Maryland, as well as D.C. 

There has been some pushback against adoption of California’s standards in Maine and Connecticut, though it is expected to be implemented. Though Nevada and Minnesota have been following California’s standards, neither has officially adopted them.

California also has rules for commercial truck sales that have not gained as much traction in other states. These standards would require an increase in electric commercial truck sales in 2024, with all sales being electric by 2045.

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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