Ford Shifts Focus From Electric Vehicles to Hybrids

Feb. 8, 2024
While the company still plans to produce fully electric vehicles, it's seeing value in pursuing hybrids.

Following in line with other major automakers, Ford has shared plans to dedicate part of its focus to producing hybrid vehicles rather than solely EVs, according to Green Car Reports.

During a quarterly investor call, Ford said it came behind only Toyota and Honda in U.S. hybrid sales and expects to see more growth in hybrid sales in the next year. The company believes that 25% of nationwide sales of the F-150 could be hybrid, in a move that reflects recent sentiments expressed by General Motors CEO Mary Barra and Toyota Chairman Akio Toyoda.

While EV and hybrid versions of the F-150 account for 50% of its sales in California, that number shrinks to only 15% in Dallas, Texas, where gas-powered vehicles claim 85% of F-150 sales, claimed CEO Jim Farley. He credits additional costs and changes in routine associated with EV ownership, such as installing home chargers, as a hurdle hampering widespread EV adoption. 

Ford still plans to pursue EV production, with the Ford CEO describing them as inevitable. Ford Model E Chief Operating Officer Marin Gjaja said the company is actively working to improve EVs by developing electric powertrains and learning more about thermal propagation, along with other software improvements.

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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