Survey: One in Four Americans Considering EV as Next Vehicle

Nov. 27, 2023
A recent survey conducted by AAA dived into what consumers think about purchasing an electric vehicle.

A recent survey conducted by AAA dived into what consumers think about purchasing an electric vehicle (EV), according to a news release.

The survey launched in March 2023 and found that one in four U.S. adults is very likely or likely to purchase a fully electric vehicle the next time they are looking to purchase a new vehicle. 

76% of those surveyed said that saving on the cost of fuel was a major factor for them, followed by 60% citing concern for the environment.

Younger demographics displayed more interest in purchasing EVs. Millennials were the most likely, followed by Generation X and baby boomers.

Six in ten of those who said they would consider purchasing an EV are looking at buying one used. A quarter would be looking at used EVs, while 16% were unsure.

Consumers also expressed concern with potential issues they may encounter with EVs, including cost, the availability of charging stations, range anxiety, and the cost of replacing or repairing a battery. Four in ten consumers are specifically worried about how an EVs range will fare in cold weather. 

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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