KYB Names New Product Manager

Oct. 20, 2023
Guna Sathyamurthy promoted to Product Manager

Guna Sathyamurthy has been promoted to product manager for KYB Americas Corporation's U.S. and Canadian operations. 

Sathyamurthy, who earned a degree in economics from Butler University and in mechanical engineering from Indiana University/Purdue University Indianapolis, started with KYB straight out of college. Over the last several years, Sathyamurthy has worked as an assistant product manager in the expansion of the Strut-Plus and Truck-Plus categories. In his new role, he will continue to guide those product lines along with all other KYB product offerings.

“I’ve enjoyed being a part of the growing KYB team. I’m very excited for the opportunity to be a member of the strong group that is poised to lead KYB into the future.” he said. “We plan to significantly expand our product line offerings and drastically increase our market coverage.”

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The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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