Customer Mistakes Mechanic for Thief, Fires Fatal Gun Shots

Jan. 3, 2023

The mechanic was moving the car into the parking lot when the incident occurred.

Dec. 29, 2022—A Tires Plus mechanic was fatally shot when a customer mistook the worker for a thief.  

The shooting, which happened at a Tires Plus in DeKalb County, took place when the mechanic was driving the customer’s car into the parking lot. Officers 24-year-old Daniel Gordon in the vehicle with multiple gunshot wounds. He was transported to the hospital, where he died. 30-year-old Quadarius McDowell is said to have shot Gordon. 

“The suspect thought the employee was trying to steal his car and fired multiple shots from a handgun, striking the victim,” DeKalb Police said according to the MSN report, noting that McDowell was arrested without incident and faces a murder charge. 

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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