Automotive Communications Council Launches Education Series

March 9, 2021
This first panel will include real-world perspectives from independent shop owners who produced positive outcomes during a challenging time for the industry.

March 9, 2021—The Automotive Communications Council (ACC) is launching its first virtual FAST TRACK education series, the company announced in a press release. 

The series launch, the first of four planned events for 2021, will feature an engaging panel of independent shop owners. The second educational event is scheduled for May.

“This 90-minute presentation promises to bring a real-world perspective among three independent repair shop owners who produced positive outcomes during a challenging time for our industry,” Jim Merle, president of ACC, said in a statement. “Hearing it live from our panel members will prove informative and enjoyable for all ACC members.” 

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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