Brakes For Breasts Announces Record-Setting Year

March 12, 2021
In the last year, the organization crossed the million dollar mark in total donations and celebrated its 10-year anniversary. 

March 12, 2021—Brakes for Breasts, an organization that fundraises to support breast cancer vaccine research, has passed $250,000 raised within the last year, marking the organization's most successful year ever. 

The organization announced the news with a Facebook post Thursday. In the last year, they’ve also crossed the million dollar mark in total donations and celebrated their 10-year anniversary

“YOU DID IT! A quarter of a million dollars in one year! 2020 Brakes for Breasts was INCREDIBLE! Best year ever by a longshot, our 10th year anniversary, crossed the million dollar mark in total donations and we have remained true to our commitment that every single penny goes directly to research for the Breast Cancer Vaccine Research Fund! Laura and Leigh Anne are humbled and grateful for your support, our industry is incredible!,” read the Facebook post. 

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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