GM Announces Increase of Aftermarket Products

April 27, 2021
General Motors Customer Care and Aftersales has expanded its ACDelco branded parts on GM vehicles.

April 27, 2021—General Motors Customer Care and Aftersales has expanded its ACDelco branded parts on GM vehicles, the company announced in a press release. 

In doing so, it launched a new marketing campaign “Certainty Starts Here,” and announced new logos for GM Genuine Parts, ACDelco and GM Marine, with the goal of strengthening GM’s parts and specialty brands. 

New logos will arrive on U.S. packaging at some point this year and in marketing material later this spring, the release said. 

“By aligning our brands with the new brand identity for GM, we are strengthening our authentic GM Original Equipment parts and service value proposition for years to come as we move toward a future of electric vehicles and mobility,” John Roth, GM global vice president, Customer Care and Aftersales, said in a statement. “The team considered how to balance the history and trust with GM’s vision for the future. Going forward, the new logos will bring a more modern and vibrant look to our parts brands while still paying homage to the brands’ legacy.”

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