GM To Install 60K EV Chargers

April 30, 2021
General Motors has already installed chargers in Washington, California, and Florida.

April 30, 2021—General Motors has plans to install 60,000 electric vehicle chargers across US and Canada, Yahoo! reported

Under the automaker’s Ultium Charge 360 project, the EV chargers are being created by seven different charging networks. Mobile apps for GM vehicles will soon include real time information for those stations and help drivers find them on their route. EV owners will be able to initiate and pay for charging through the app as well.

GM and EVgo have installed the first batch of fast chargers that are fully ready for the automaker's Ultium battery platform. The first locations are in Washington, California and Florida. GM and EVgo aim to have around 500 fast charging stalls up and running this year, and more than 2,700 by the end of 2025.

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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