FullSpeed Automotive Completes Five Acquisitions

May 24, 2021
The acquisitions add a total of 10 maintenance and repair centers to FullSpeed Automotive’s portfolio.

May 24, 2021—FullSpeed Automotive completed five acquisitions in April, the company announced in a press release. 

The acquisitions add a total of 10 maintenance and repair centers to FullSpeed Automotive’s portfolio. 

“We are excited to bring these centers into the FullSpeed Automotive family, as the previous owners did a tremendous job in building strong businesses with a loyal guest following,” Kevin Kormondy, CEO of FullSpeed Automotive, said in a statement.

The five acquisitions were completed in five different states as part of the company’s overall strategy to expand by acquiring strong performing independent automotive service centers. Centers were acquired and will be rebranded as Grease Monkey centers in Rapid City, South Dakota; Eau Claire, Wisconsin; Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin; Roy, Utah; Locust Grove, Georgia; and Montgomery, Texas.  

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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