Mobile Repair Business Set to Expand

June 24, 2021
FixMyCar, which currently operates in Detroit, Dallas, and Houston will soon begin service in Austin, Texas.

June 24, 2021—FixMyCar, a relatively new mobile repair business, has announced its plans to expand.

FixMyCar was founded in 2018 and currently operates in Detroit, Dallas and Houston. A press release Wednesday announced the company’s intention to expand into Austin, Texas.

In the same statement, the company also announced the launch of an annual membership program, which will include basic car repair and maintenance services along with towing, washing and buying/selling/renting cars in the area. 

The company claims to offer 20-30 percent lower prices than dealerships and repair shops while providing mechanics “significantly higher salaries.”

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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