End of Unemployment Benefits Not Yielding Hiring Results, Yet

June 30, 2021
More job applications are flowing in, but candidates aren't replying to interview requests.

June 30, 2021—More people are looking for jobs after the pandemic-increased unemployment benefits have ended in some states, however it hasn’t translated to an increase in hires yet, CNN reported

At ZipRecruiter, the number of job applications submitted the week ending June 19 was up between 7.6% and 15% in the states where benefits ended in June, compared to the prior week, but up only a little more than 1% in the states terminating payments in July or continuing them until early September.

However, shop owners like Jason Smith, who owns three repair facilities in Indiana, told CNN the change hasn't resulted in any new hires. 

"I thought it was going to be a situation where it's like: 'Everyone, let's get back to work,' " said Smith, who had to transfer staff from his other locations in and around Merrillville, Indiana, to open a third shop in June. "We're getting applications, but we aren't getting any responses."

While he is getting more applications for the auto technician, service consultant and administrative assistant postings, the job seekers haven't responded to his requests for interviews. Smith has reached out to more than three dozen people in the last month, but he only heard back from a few, who said they weren't interested in the position.

Officials at the Iowa and Missouri chambers of commerce and the National Federation of Independent Business chapters in several southern states told CNN their members have not reported definitive trends on if it has led to a hiring boom. 

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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