FullSpeed Automotive Acquires 25 New Locations

July 8, 2021
The company has added a total of 46 new centers to its portfolio since its own acquisition by MidOcean Partners in November 2020.

July 8, 2021—FullSpeed Automotive, one of the nation’s largest franchisors and operators of automotive aftermarket repair facilities, has officially acquired 25 quick lube and automotive service centers, according to a press release.

The acquisitions are located in the Dallas-Fort Worth market, and included four different automotive center brands, with the majority being Kwik Kar Automotive Lube & Service Centers.

The company has added a total of 46 new centers since being acquired by MidOcean Partners in November 2020, and now has over 675 franchised and company-owned locations.

“We look forward to continuing to expand our footprint across the country, and completing additional acquisitions. Our strategy, in addition to building our franchised operations, is to continue to identify and work with independent shop owners who are considering a sale if they can find the right fit, as we did here," said Kevin Kormondy, CEO of FullSpeed Automotive.

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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