Ranking Finds Californians Pay Most For Repairs

July 15, 2021
A new study finds that while Californians pay the most for check engine light-related repairs,Ohio vehicle owners pay the least.

July 15, 2021—A new study has found vehicle owners in California paid the most for check engine light-related repairs over the last year, while Ohio vehicle owners paid the least. 

A CarMD.com annual ranking found Californians paid $411 on average for those repairs, while Ohioans paid $342, according to a press release. 

"Several factors contribute to a state's average repair costs, including vehicle age and type, how difficult the repair is, required parts, how much time is needed to make the repair and what the repair shop charges per hour," David Rich, technical director of CarMD, said in a statement. "It makes sense that as people commuted less and took fewer road trips, there was less wear and tear on vehicles and fewer check engine light occurrences.”

Connecticut, Colorado, District of Columbia and Utah rounded out the top five states with the highest car repair costs. Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin and Maine joined Ohio as the cheapest. 

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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