Dealership Mechanics On Strike

Aug. 6, 2021

The mechanics, represented by IAM Mechanics’ Local 701, walked out on the job on Tuesday. 

Aug. 6, 2021—More than 800 dealership mechanics in the Chicago area are on strike after they rejected the latest union contract, NBC Chicago reported. 

The mechanics, represented by IAM Mechanics’ Local 701, walked out on the job on Tuesday. 

“We’re willing to stay out here as long as it takes to get an agreement that’s acceptable to our membership,” IAM representative Ronnie Gonzalez told the outlet. 

According to Gonzalez, the mechanics rejected the latest contract offer with 97% of the ballots cast, and then followed that up with a strike vote that received the support of 99% of the union’s membership. One of the offers rejected by the union would have reduced pay for workers. 

The strike affects a group of 55 dealerships. 

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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