Cars, Payments Lost After Repair Shop Closure

Aug. 23, 2021

Customers claim a Las Vegas repair shop failed to complete repairs they'd paid for and many had their vehicles unexpectedly towed.

Aug. 23, 2021—Customers of Reliable Automotive Repair in Las Vegas, Nev. claim they lost money on repairs never completed and discovered their vehicles were missing after the shop closed unexpectedly, 13 Action News reported.

The outlet spoke to three customers who said the lot surrounding the shop was always full of vehicles waiting to be serviced, until one day the shop was closed and the lot was found empty. 

The vehicles were later found to be towed to local towing company lots. One customer reported paying $5,000 for repairs she told the outlet were never completed on her Chrysler 300, and another customer reported tracking her vehicle down only to discover the back seat was full of spare car parts and the engine was missing.

The landlord of the property estimates at least 100 customers never received the repairs they were promised and at least $25,000 in missed rent payments were still owed. Lawsuits have been filed against the owners.

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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