Spokane Shops Struggle to Match Repair Demand

Aug. 23, 2021

An increase in the need for fixes on older cars and the industry's labor shortage are causing service delays. 

Aug. 23, 2021—Repair shops in Spokane, Wash. are having trouble keeping up with work from customers looking to repair older cars in the midst of an industry-wide labor shortage, reports The Spokesman-Review

The service delays come as a result of a current customer preference for keeping and fixing their older vehicles in an attempt to avoid the rising prices of new and used cars on the market today. A recent heat wave in the area also impacted batteries and cooling systems. 

“We have lots of vehicles that are coming in that are fairly well aged,” Austin Adair, title service writer at Mechanics Pride Tire and Automotive told the outlet. “People are very willing to pay $500 or $1,000 and are even putting new engines in to alleviate getting a new car payment and debt they don’t need.”

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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