Illinois Mechanic Strike Nearing One Month

Aug. 27, 2021

However, one dealership’s mechanics will be going back to work. Oaklawn Hyundai, located in Oaklawn Ill., has agreed to an interim agreement with the union.

Aug. 27, 2021—The Illinois dealership mechanic strike is nearing the one-month mark. 

According to the Automobile Mechanics Local 701 website , the union negotiating for mechanics against the New Cars Dealership Committee, progress has stalled and said the NCDC “isn’t interested in meaningful attempts to move the negotiations forward.” The strike began Aug. 1. 

However, one dealership’s mechanics will be going back to work. Oaklawn Hyundai, located in Oaklawn Ill., has agreed to an interim agreement with the union, the union announced Tuesday.  

An interim agreement, once effective and all conditions have been met, results in the strike line coming down and the members returning to work while negotiations continue. The dealer continues to be a member of the NCDC and, once an agreement with the NCDC is reached, the members working will vote on the agreement just like every other member working at an NCDC dealership.  The final NCDC agreement will apply to Oaklawn Hyundai as well. 

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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