ASA Changes its Technology and Telematics Forum to a Webinar

Oct. 27, 2021

The annual event normally takes place at the CARS event in November but moved virtual due to "ongoing concerns about travel."

Oct. 27, 2021—The Automotive Service Association (ASA) has announced its annual Technology and Telematics Forum has been moved to a webinar format. 

Previously scheduled for November 1 in Las Vegas, Nev. as part of the Congress of Automotive Repair and Service (CARS) Executive Outlook, the event has been moved virtual due to “ongoing concerns about travel and in-person events.”

The new monthly webinar series, “A Changing Fleet,” will begin in November.

“We are excited about the Technology and Telematics Forum Webinar Series,” said Hules. “While it is unfortunate that we are unable to hold this event live, there is no better way to share the exciting new technology coming to our industry than over a virtual platform. We always aim to tailor our programs to the best benefit of our members and the automotive industry, and in this case, a virtual webinar series is the best way to go.”

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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