Nebraska Shop Donating $10K in Repairs to Local Teachers

Dec. 15, 2021

The giveaway was created by the shop’s owner Kendall Warnock, who serves as a mentor at a local middle school, and saw the struggles teachers are having first hand. 

Dec. 15, 2021—A1 Automotive, a Lincoln, Neb., body shop, is planning to give 10 teachers a $1,000 auto repair credit to thank them for their work during the pandemic, 1011 Now reported. 

A1 Automotive is accepting nominations for teachers from the public until Monday, Dec. 20. Nominations can be sent to the A1 Automotive email address, with the name of the teacher and why they should be nominated. 

The giveaway was created by the shop’s owner Kendall Warnock, who serves as a mentor at a local middle school. Warnock saw first hand the stress they were under and wanted to help. 

According to Nebraska’s State Education Association, nearly 88 percent of teachers have reported a staff shortage in their school district. It is a difficult challenge during the pandemic, and Warnock sees the pain and exhaustion in their faces.

“Teachers have been through a lot, and I just want to make sure that we, with a small business in downtown Lincoln, honor them the best that we can,” Warnock said.

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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