Christian Brothers Opening New Location

Jan. 21, 2022

It will be the company's 26th location in Colorado. 

Jan. 21, 2022—Christian Brothers Automotive will be opening their 26th Colorado location, according to a press release. 

The location is located in South Aurora. 

“Opening a business that strives to serve and aligns with our personal beliefs was an obvious choice for me and my wife,” co-owner Chris Wood said in a statement. “By setting itself apart with a people-first approach to the repair industry, Christian Brothers Automotive is bringing a whole new kind of auto care experience to the people of Aurora. We’re so blessed to have the opportunity to serve the community and our team members this way.” 

Prior to opening Christian Brothers Automotive in South Aurora, Chris spent time in law enforcement and as a paramedic. He recently retired from the Denver Fire Department after 17 years as a firefighter. Since 2009, Chris has also owned and operated his own real estate brokerage.

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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