RepairPal Hits Certification Milestone

Jan. 31, 2022

Adding dealerships to its certified network have helped push the company over a milestone mark. 

Jan. 31, 2022—RepairPal has passed 3,000 total certified repair locations, the company announced. 

The company has seen some of that growth come from dealerships, which RepairPal opened its program to at the end of 2021. Currently, more than 70 dealership locations are certified. 

“This is an amazing period of scaling for RepairPal. People own cars longer than ever. Yet when their cars need repair, they’re fearful of bad quality or over-priced repairs. So, they seek advice from friends and family who rarely know what’s actually going on with their cars and at local repair shops. Whether you’re looking for a high quality independent or a fair-priced dealer, RepairPal is the place to help,” Art Shaw, RepairPal CEO, said in a statement. 

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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