Firestone to Pay $4M For Unlawfully Disposing Hazardous Waste

Feb. 10, 2022

Prosecutors alleged that Firestone did not manage hazardous waste properly, including solvents, automotive fluids, batteries, aerosols, and electronics.

Feb. 10, 2022—Firestone Complete Auto Care has reached a settlement of $4 million with California prosecutors over allegations that the company unlawfully disposed of hazardous waste, CBS San Francisco reported. 

Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Christopher Rudy on Friday ordered civil penalties of $2.865 million. Rudy also ordered Firestone to pay $350,000 to cover the cost of the investigation and $725,000 for compliance and training.

Prosecutors alleged that Firestone did not manage hazardous waste properly, including solvents, automotive fluids, batteries, aerosols, and electronics.

Prosecutors also alleged that Firestone failed to shred or redact confidential customer details on paperwork before throwing the papers away. Investigations into Firestone began in 2016.

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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