Super Bowl Ads Drive Massive Interest in EVs

Feb. 18, 2022

This year's Super Bowl featured twice as many car commercials as last year's game, and there was a large emphasis placed on electric vehicles.

Feb. 17, 2022—This year's Super Bowl featured twice as many car commercials as last year's game, and there was a large emphasis placed on electric vehicles.

According to a report from Inside EVs citing data from, there were seven automotive brands featured in eight commercials, with six of those featuring EVs. saw a 217-percent increase in traffic to its automotive brand pages and a whopping 2,361-percent increase in traffic to the pages of vehicles featured in an ad. Kia was the big winner, with a nearly 10-times increase in the number of views it had on its EV6.

Data from suggests that around 5 percent of all households in any given market are actively shopping for a car "at any given time." The website also says there appears to be a much larger interest in EVs this year than in the past, saying that "legacy automakers" such as Ford and General Motors are finally starting feature EVs more prominently in their lineups.

Image: Kia

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