AutoSmith Opens Fourth Location in Minnesota

June 13, 2022

AutoSmith began as a mobile auto repair business in 2007, and now has four physical locations in Minnesota. 

June 13, 2022—AutoSmith has opened its newest location in Aitkin, Minnesota.

According to Aitkin Age, AutoSmith began as a mobile auto repair business in 2007. As of 2022, it now has four full-service shops.

In addition to the recently opened Aitkin location, AutoSmith has shops in Ironton, McGregor, and Motley, Minnesota. 

Owners Dustin and Julie Smith live in Ironton and opened the AutoSmith location there in 2012. That location expanded in 2015 to house nine bays. 

In 2018, they opened the McGregor location and in 2019 they acquired Dennis' Towing. The Motley AutoSmith location opened in 2021, and they started an auto locksmithing service called KeySmith that year as well. 

The Aitkin location will join the AutoSmith ranks with four employees and services that range from brakes and oil changes to alignment, engine work, and more.

“We have a lot of family members in the Aitkin Area,” said Dustin Smith in the article, “and wanted to have a shop here. We purchased the Aitkin Glass building in December.”

The Aitkin location's grand opening will take place on June 13 from noon to 3 p.m. Refreshments will be offered to those in attendance.

“We’re thrilled to be here,” Dustin Smith said. “We’ve had a lot of good responses.”

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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