Maryland Auto Shop to Host Free Car Care Clinic

Dec. 11, 2018
Sessions will begin starting January and will be held quarterly.

Dec. 11, 2018—Churchill Auto Care, of Frederick, Md., is offering free car care clinics to those interested in learning about basic car maintenance, Frederick News-Post reports. Sessions are to begin in January with a plan to hold clinics quarterly, Laurel Caurvina, executive manager of the shop told the Frederick News-Post.

“We wanted to make it easier for our customers and give information about how to check your basic fluids, your tire pressure and stuff like that to make sure that you’re driving safely,” Caurvina said to the Frederick News-Post. “We do offer a courtesy check that looks over all of the items for you, but [it’s] just to be informative so that you can do it yourself and not have to spend a lot of time coming here and doing it.”

The clinics are to be held on Saturdays around noon and range from an hour to 90 minutes, Frederick News-Post reports. According to the publication, sessions last around 30 minutes and those interested in the classes are welcome to stop by. 

Clinics will cover maintenance for cars and light trucks, Frederick News-Post reports, and will additionally go over all of the shop's 25-point courtesy check items. Some of the items include checking coolant, filters, exterior lighting, windshield wiper blades, battery terminals, tire pressure and fluid levels. 

The clinic will cover maintenance for cars and light trucks and will go over all of the items on the shop’s 25-point courtesy check, which includes checking coolant, filters, exterior lighting, windshield wiper blades, battery terminals, fluid levels and tire pressure.

Owner Dave Caurvina will host the clinics.

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