Bunch: 10x Turbocharge Your Life and Business (Part 2)

May 31, 2024
How you rate yourself in these seven areas can help you get on the right track to success and freedom.

Last month, I challenged you to take a journey and envision what a 10x life and business could mean for you. I challenged you to think big and define what this transformation looks like in your own life. Today, I want to dive deeper into understanding this concept through the lens of being proactive, surpassing the average, and achieving freedom across various aspects of life. 

Take a few minutes and score yourself (1 being the lowest, 10 being the highest) on these seven pillars of a 10x life: 


The Seven Areas of Freedom 

Financial Freedom: You are making enough money to cover your lifestyle while investing in the future. 

Time Freedom: By managing your time effectively, you ensure that your schedule aligns with your priorities, not the other way around. 

Relationship Freedom: Cultivating and maintaining healthy relationships that support and enrich your life. 

Vocational Freedom: Loving what you do for a living and doing it excellently. 

Physical Freedom: Maintaining your health and having the energy to tackle each day. 

Spiritual Freedom: Connecting with your values and beliefs and living a life that reflects them. 

Mental Freedom: Harnessing the power of a positive mindset that embraces challenges and learns from setbacks. 


I don’t know about you, but taking this test is very eye-opening and can be the foundation on which we decide what is most important to us and what we want out of this great gift we have been given called “life.” Which one stood out to you as having the lowest score? What actions can be taken to start improving your score?  

I received an email from a shop owner we'll call Mike. Mike is struggling to make the money he knows he could from his business while working at least 60 hours a week. Mike reads every page of Ratchet+Wrench, and the stories of shop owners reaching a level of success, yet getting it all working in his shop continues to allude to him.  

Like many of you, Mike wonders how he can transition from merely surviving to thriving. Identifying the problem is only the first step. The real challenge—and adopting a 10x mindset—is implementing solutions that will make a difference. 

For Mike, and perhaps for you, too, financial freedom starts with understanding the numbers inside out. This means tracking every dollar and planning investments into high-return areas of the business. I think it’s time for Mike to invest in more training that speeds up service times by increasing his technician productivity and sales and customer service training to boost retention and increase average tickets. 

My advice to Mike is that no one achieves greatness alone. Hopefully, Mike realizes he needs a stronger network—other shop owners who've been where he is and have come out the other side. Joining a mastermind group that can provide moral support and practical advice for his specific challenges is a good place to start. 

Now, turning back to you, my readers: What actions can you take today that will start moving the needle on your scores? Maybe it's setting up a meeting with a financial advisor, enrolling in a time management course, or simply scheduling regular check-ins with your team to delegate more effectively. Whatever it is, the key is to start small but think big. 

As we continue on this journey together, I'll be here to guide you through each step, sharing tools, strategies, and stories of transformation. Next month, we'll explore practical steps for achieving more freedom, ensuring that every aspect of your 10x life is aligned and thriving. 

Remember, the road to a 10x life is paved with actions, not intentions. Let's commit to those actions together and transform our lives and businesses beyond what we ever thought possible. 

Please email me your thoughts to [email protected] 

About the Author

Greg Bunch

Greg Bunch is the founder/CEO of Aspen Auto Clinic, a six-shop operation in Colorado, and the founder/CEO of Transformers Institute, a training, coaching, and consulting company for the auto repair industry.

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