Nine Unlicensed Auto Repair Shops Closed in Michigan

April 26, 2016

April 26, 2015—Nine unlicensed auto repair shops were closed in Michigan in an operation conducted to tighten enforcement on illegal shops.

"Unlicensed auto repair shops and uncertified mechanics pose a serious threat to motorists," Secretary of State Ruth Johnson said in a news release. "A bungled brake or alignment job could cause the driver to lose control, causing an injury or worse. Customers expect that auto repairs will be done safely by people trained to do the job. We're taking action to ensure those expectations are enforced to the full extent of the law."

The Ratchet+Wrench staff wrote in-depth on this topic two years ago.

Johnson said her office took action against the repair facilities in partnership with local and state law enforcement agencies after fielding complaints from consumers, law enforcement and local government agencies.

Investigators visited the shops to verify the information provided and offered them with information and assistance to come into compliance. They shut down facilities who were unwilling to take the necessary steps to become registered.

They also confirmed that unlicensed repair work was being performed or found uncertified mechanics working on vehicles, the news release said. Thirteen police agencies, including the Michigan State Police, participated in the operation.

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