SimplePart Joins Inc. Magazine’s Fastest Growing Companies

Aug. 22, 2016

Aug. 22, 2016—SimplePart announced Monday that it has been ranked No. 1,026 among Inc. magazine’s 35th annual Inc. 5000 fastest-growing companies in the U.S. 

Since its first order in 2008, SimplePart has generated nearly $100 million in sales. SimplePart provides a solution for manufacturers and dealers to sell genuine auto parts and accessories online. Some of SimplePart’s clients include VW, Audi and Subaru. 

“As a fully bootstrapped company, this kind of growth doesn’t come without real engagement of our clients and employees,” said SimplePart founder and CEO Cole Getzler. “We’re not focused on growth for the sake of growth. Our target is to make the best possible product based on a deep understanding of the needs of our clients. That’s what has been the root of the growth we’ve seen so far, and we intend for that to continue.”

Vice president Michael Oki attributes some of the rapid growth to SimplePart’s attention to its clients’ needs and their continued product innovation. 

“We’ve always tied our success directly to the success of our clients, and regardless of growth and the evolution of our strategy, our dealer and manufacturer clients remain at the center of our business decisions,” Oki said. “E-commerce is not an industry that remains static for long, so balancing constant innovation with smart scaling decisions is key.”

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