DENSO Enhances Digital Catalog Support

Dec. 29, 2015

Dec. 29, 2015—DENSO Products and Services Americas Inc. has partnered with OptiCat LLC,  a data management company, to help improve DENSO's aftermarket product catalogs.

With the OptiCat OnDemand network, DENSO partners now have quicker access to the catalogs and the latest information about replacement parts, product updates, images, specifications and other data within days of DENSO uploading changes to its digital catalogs, according to a DENSO release.

“Success in our industry starts with having the best information as quickly as possible,” said David Williams, senior manager of DENSO’s marketing and strategic planning. “Swifter and more accurate data delivery ensures our customers have the information they need when they need it.”

For more information about joining the network, email Brandi Williams.

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