Carmates Responds to Concerns Raised by Shop Owners

Aug. 28, 2018
Carmates is a sort of online marketplace for automotive repair shops, similar to Openbay and RepairPal. And many shop operators have raised issues with companies that offer these kinds of services. Today on Ratchet+Wrench Radio, co-founders Raju Sagiraju and Surik Torosyan explain how Carmates works and address those concerns voiced by shop owners.

Carmates is a sort of online marketplace for automotive repair shops, similar to Openbay and RepairPal. And many shop operators have raised issues with companies that offer these kinds of services. Today on Ratchet+Wrench Radio, co-founders Raju Sagiraju and Surik Torosyan explain how Carmates works and address those concerns voiced by shop owners.

Editor's note: Ratchet+Wrench is aware that Raju Sagiraju was recently involved in a lawsuit. Sagiraju pleaded no contest to three felony counts of securities fraud and three felony counts of grand theft. He was sentenced to five years in jail, but was pardoned soon afterwards. Carmates is separate from that court case.

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