Solera to Acquire Autodata

Jan. 4, 2017

Jan. 4, 2017—Solera Holdings announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Autodata.

"Solera's proprietary Invent & Acquire strategy drives both the innovation and proliferation of our data and software platforms," said Tony Aquila, Solera’s founder, chairman and CEO. "The acquisition of Autodata will not only complement our expanding/existing suite of digital SMR solutions, such as Identifix and Inpart, but will also accelerate the expansion of Solera's asset protection and risk management solutions in emerging and maturing markets across the globe."

"Today's motorists expect automotive service professionals not only to understand every vehicle make and model, but also to provide a faster and more accurate service at highly competitive prices," added Rod Williams, CEO of Autodata. "Joining the Solera family will not only amplify Autodata's ability to meet the growing needs of the industry, but will also provide our customers and partners with access to Solera's highly innovative mindset and forward-thinking solutions."

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