JohnDow Industries’ President Retires

Jan. 6, 2017

Jan. 5, 2017—As part of JohnDow Industries’ (JDI) strategic and long-term transition plan, Joseph Dease, the president of JDI, announced his retirement on Thursday. Dease has been president of the company since 1990.

During Dease’s tenure, JDI saw substantial growth from a small automotive aftermarket manufacturer in Barberton, Ohio, to a major leader in the industry. Major expansions, acquisitions and new product introductions have become the standard under Dease’s management.

“I am proud to have been a part of JohnDow’s growth in becoming a premier manufacturer in the automotive industry,” Dease said. “JDI’s dedicated employees, management team and loyal customers have put us on a solid footing and I am confident that the company is well positioned for its next phase of growth and development.”

As part of the firm’s succession plan, Drew Dawson, executive vice president of operations, will become JohnDow’s new president. Dawson has over 30 years in the automotive aftermarket. He has been in his current position for over two years.

His professional career began in 1986 with The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company in Boston, Ma., where he started in retail sales, managed store locations and ultimately was promoted to regional manager of retail. In 1991, he left Goodyear and became co-owner and operator of Tire Source, now a collection of six independent tire and automotive service centers in northeastern Ohio. Dawson plans to maintain his current ownership in these Tire Source locations.

“Joe has been instrumental in the continued growth and excellence that JohnDow has achieved over many years,” said Dawson. “Management’s challenge is to keep the ball rolling and add to the culture of success that Joe helped develop at JohnDow.”

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