Repair Shop Coach to Host Boot Camp

April 4, 2017

April 4 , 2017—Ron Ipach, president of Repair Shop Coach, will host the Auto Repair Shop Owner’s Boot Camp in Baltimore this weekend.

Ipach will be joined by Gerry Frank and Keith McCrone, his business partners and successful shop owners. At the event, attendees will be exposed to the systems, operations, and proven marketing tactics that will have helped bring in customers, find and hire super star employees and build wealth in over 6,000 auto repair businesses.

“At this Boot Camp, we’re going to show you the exact same system that Gerry and Keith use to run three wildly successful shops, doing sales in excess of $4.5 million,” Ipach said. “These sales tactics will allow shop owners to only work about five to ten hours per week and take multi-week vacations whenever they feel like it,”

For more information on the boot camp, visit the website.

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