Elite to Host 'Masters Service Advisor' Sales Training

May 8, 2017
The course involves three days of in-classroom training and six months of coaching from Elite’s service advisor sales coach.

May 8, 2017—Elite will be hosting its "Masters Service Advisor Training" course in San Diego from June 1-3.

The course begins with three days of in-classroom training. From there, the students go through six months of coaching from Elite’s service advisor sales coach, Jen Monclus, the company's certified sales and leadership trainer. This six months of additional training through web meetings and conference calls with their fellow students, homework assignments, role playing and testing, designed to establish permanent behavioral change with the advisors.

The course was built from the ground up by Elite President Bob Cooper.

“We’re so excited to have a new group of students coming in. I love teaching the course because it’s so rewarding to not only watch my students grow and excel, but to see them truly embrace our principled-centered approach. We tell every student that we wouldn’t change a word taught in the course if their customers were in the room with us; that’s something we’re very proud of,” Monclus said.

For more information on the course, visit the Masters Program web page.

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