AAPEX 2017 to Virtually Display Future Auto Technology

May 19, 2017
AAPEX 2017 will feature virtual reality, simulators and other interactive interfaces to demonstrate future, innovative automotive technology not currently available in the aftermarket. 

May 19, 2017—AAPEX 2017 announced it will feature virtual reality, simulators and other interactive interfaces to demonstrate future, innovative automotive technology not currently available in the aftermarket. 

This technology will be on display by exhibitors in this area Upper Level 2 in the Venetian Ballroom at the show in Las Vegas from Oct. 31 to Nov. 2.

AAPEX also released the May AAPEX TV 360 video, “Hearing from the Experts,” in which two industry experts weigh in on the challenges and opportunities the aftermarket can expect from emerging technology.

Visit the AAPEX 2017 website to register for the event.

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