DENSO Launches Automotive Technical Academy

Nov. 3, 2017
DENSO on Wednesday announced the launch of its new Automotive Technical Academy, a comprehensive, online learning solution that addresses two of the industry’s prominent problems: the growing shortage of qualified technicians and e-learning being the preferred method by millennials.

LAS VEGAS, Nov. 2, 2017—DENSO on Wednesday announced the launch of its new Automotive Technical Academy, a comprehensive, online learning solution that addresses two of the industry’s prominent problems: the growing shortage of qualified technicians and e-learning being the preferred method by millennials.

The online academy feature over 1,400 training modules in a platform that was designed using the latest gaming technology and heavy graphics, Mejaly says.

The announcement was made at a press conference DENSO held at their booth this morning at the 2017 AAPEX show.

Heading the press conferences was Haruhiko “Hal” Kato, president of DENSO Products and Services Americas Inc. He addressed the growth of the company in the United States, recently opening a plant in Texas and Tennessee.

“We are committed to growing our business in the United States,” Kato said.

The company, which is headquartered in Japan, is valued at about $40.8 billion dollars based on this year's sales. Joe Mejaly, senior vice president, discussed the paradigm shift in the industry featuring the phases of electrification, connected vehicles, vehicle sharing and autonomous driving.

DENSO has partnered with universities and companies, such as Toyota and Mazda, to address these paradigm shifts with further research and product development.

DENSO also announced its work on two new technologies: Touchless Human Machine Interface (HMI) and Holographic Haptic Controller Technology.

HMI will aid in the distracting driving epidemic by offering more convenient opportunities for the driver in their vehicle. The Holographic Haptic Controller technology uses light to project holograms and ultrasound wave to create haptic feedback. This will eliminate hard controls in the front of the vehicle itself.

The company also addressed VIO projections, saying there will be steady growth from 283.7 million to 329.5 million, a 16 percent increase. EV and Hybrid cars combined will make 20 percent of VIO in the coming years.

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