Waymo Rolls Out Fully Autonomous Vehicles

Nov. 8, 2017
A portion of the company's fleet will operate in full autonomous mode in a Phoenix metro region. Waymo noted that its fleet of autonomous vehicles have been tested on public roads and private test tracks to ensure its self-driving technology is safe. 

Nov. 8. 2017—Waymo, a subsidiary of Google, began to test ride autonomous vehicles without a human driver in Arizona on Tuesday, the company announced

The company notes that it has been testing its self-driving technology for more than eight years.

A portion of the company's fleet will operate in full autonomous mode in a Phoenix metro region.

Waymo noted that its fleet of autonomous vehicles have been tested on public roads and private test tracks to ensure its self-driving technology is safe. 

The company noted that it will begin to test out its Waymo driverless service over the next few months. 

Further, in the company announcement, Waymo outlined the next steps it will take to test and improve its self-driving vehicles: 

"We’ll be inviting members of the public to take trips in our fully self-driving vehicles. Participants in our early rider program will be amongst the first to experience these fully self-driving rides, using our vehicles to commute to work, take the kids to school, or get home from a night out."

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