ACPN Launches Virtual Education Platform

Feb. 19, 2021
The platform, named the ACPN Pipeline, will be hosted in the Auto Care Association’s Auto Care Digital Hub.

Feb. 19, 2021—The Automotive Content Professionals Network (ACPN), a community of the Auto Care Association, has launched a new virtual platform that will provide access to year-round educational content, according to a press release.

The platform, named the ACPN Pipeline, will be hosted in the Auto Care Association’s Auto Care Digital Hub. It is available for free to Auto Care Association members. 

“As ACPN Chairman, I observed a disconnect between ACPN and our community—a disconnect that grew in size as COVID-19 began to take hold of our lives,” Eric Lough, ACPN chairman, said in a statement.

“I knew that we could have a positive impact on our industry if we found a way to educate, inspire and connect with our community more than just once a year. The Pipeline is how we delivered on the initiative to impact our community. It’s a way to keep the conversation going and the ideas flowing so that when we can all finally be together, we’re going to have a lot to talk about.”

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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