RepairSmith Expands To Portland Area

March 22, 2021
The company is kicking off its launch by partnering with two Portland nonprofits to provide the community with access to food and transportation.

March 22, 2021—RepairSmith, an at-home car repair and maintenance business, is expanding its service to the greater Portland area, the company announced in a press release. 

The company is kicking off its launch by partnering with two Portland nonprofits which are providing the community with access to food and transportation, Metropolitan Family Service (MFS) and Ride Connection. The company will provide them with $20,000 in free repair services to their vehicles as part of RepairSmith's Jump Start program. Through Jump Start, RepairSmith will provide a quarter of a million dollars in free vehicle and repair maintenance service for nonprofits throughout RepairSmith's service areas this year.

"RepairSmith is proud to partner with these organizations as we expand our service to Portland," Joel Milne, RepairSmith CEO, said in a statement. "Both of these nonprofit partners share our vision to improve the lives of people and their families by bringing equal access to critical resources, education, and transportation to communities. We are grateful for their incredible work."

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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